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THE BUCKET BAGをサポートしてくださる皆さまへ
日頃からTHE BUCKET BAGをサポートしてくださっている皆様、ありがとうございます。ブランドを立ち上げて以来、沢山の方に手に取っていただけて本当に嬉しかったです。そしてここ数週間の間にお問い合わせいただいた方々、お返事ができず申し訳ございませんでした。ツイッター上で私が嫌がらせのターゲットとなり、私個人への誹謗中傷、ブランドへの営業妨害、そして最終的には個人情報漏洩と事態が急速に悪化したことを受け、弁護士と相談の上で私からの発信を控えておりました。
商品が国内外ブランドのコピー品ではないかというご指摘についてですが、私自身セリーヌは好きですが、子供を連れていたり地下鉄に乗る際にもっと気軽に持てる、かつ環境に配慮したバッグがあったらという思いからインスパイアされて作ったのがTHE BUCKET BAGです。素材、カラー、縫い目の細かさ、ベルトの厚み等、工場と何度もサンプルをやりとりして作っており、他のどのブランドとも異なります。
商品のお問い合わせはthebucketbag.coよりいただけますと幸いです。 今後ともTHE BUCKET BAGをよろしくお願い申し上げます。
Thank you to everyone who has supported THE BUCKET BAG. We are very happy that so many people have purchased our products since we launched the brand. And to those of you who have contacted us over the past few weeks, we apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I have been the target of harassment on Twitter, and after the situation deteriorated rapidly with slander against me personally, obstruction of business to the brand, and ultimately the leak of my personal information, I have refrained from sending out messages after consulting with my attorney.
First of all, I would like to express my deepest apologies for the anxiety and disappointment I have caused to those who purchased the product as a result of my failure to promptly explain and communicate with them. I should have contacted the purchaser directly first. We did not immediately reply to you because we were instructed by our attorney to avoid any further action that might disclose personal information for the safety my child and my family.
As for your comment about our products being copies of domestic and foreign brands, I like Celine myself, but I was inspired by the idea of having a bag that is more comfortable to carry when riding the subway with children and that is also more environmentally friendly. The BUCKET BAG was inspired by this idea. The materials, colors, stitching details, belt thickness, etc. are different from those of other brands, as we exchange samples with the factory many times.
I have been receiving persistent slander on Twitter for the past three weeks, including tweets from malicious accounts that disclosed where I live. I had no choice but to delete my account for the safety of my family. After we discovered the identity of one of the slanderous accounts and our attorney contacted to that person regarding slander, libel, obstruction of business, and disclosure of personal information. We have addressed this letter to the person in question, but we will now contact the human resources department of the company where he works and file a report to the police as well.
In addition to the business obstruction of being a copy, the accounts that are spreading false information such as that I am falsifying my academic background and have a mental illness are also considered defamation, so we are saving all the evidence including those who have quoted RT and replies. We will take legal action against these accounts as well. As for harassment via websites, the platform has already disclosed IP addresses, and we will inquire into the identities of the harassers based on those IP addresses.
To those of you who have sent me messages of support and inquiries, I sincerely apologize for the delay in responding to you as I have been discussing with my attorney how to respond to the slander and defamation. And to those of you who have engaged with me in a positive way on social media, I would like to thank you again. Thank you very much. I would like to repay you by making better products in the future.
If you have any inquiries about our products, please contact us at Thank you for your continued support of THE BUCKET BAG.
Founder Kana Wang